Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Timing Assembly Removal

Normally, the timing can be changed with the engine in the vehicle and should be done every 150XXX KM. I'm going to be changing the timing belt, and firstly removing the entire assembly to gain access to the whole block.

Remove the bolt using an impact if you dont have a pully removal tool, its not really necessary.



See that little key way on the top of the gear? Dont loose that!

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Be sure to understand exactly how the belt and spring tension work.

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There are 2 washers to be removed and placed in specific order/way on the main timing pulley.

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Now remove the engine mount. Finally…

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Take the pulley off, there is a hidden washer behind it.

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After Product.


Valve Cover Removal

Removing the valve cover is extremely easy, just remove the 10mm bolts and take off the main gasket from underneath and the O-rings from the spark chambers. Store these safely. DSC_9524

Now look at the right side where the timing cover is, we will remove the top half.


Here is what im going to be focusing on:

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